concrete ability造句

"concrete ability"是什么意思   


  1. But because of concrete ability of anti - pull to stretch very weak , a mass concrete const ruction cause cracking will be unavoidable
  2. The intention of judge ' s judicial ability is that the judge transports the ability type that should have while solving and dealing with various kinds of cases with the law , concrete ability to include five respects
  3. It's difficult to find concrete ability in a sentence. 用concrete ability造句挺难的


  1. "concret ph"造句
  2. "concreta"造句
  3. "concretable"造句
  4. "concrete"造句
  5. "concrete 5"造句
  6. "concrete aboriginal"造句
  7. "concrete accusation"造句
  8. "concrete achievements"造句
  9. "concrete act of administration"造句
  10. "concrete action"造句

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